Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus to all our Welsh readers! And – if you’re not au fait with the Welsh language – Happy Saint David’s Day! We thought we’d celebrate the 1st March with a St David’s Day Cocktail. The perfect way to welcome in the new month.

Who Was St David?
St David was born in the year 500, the grandson of Ceredig ap Cunedda, King of Ceredigion. He was the founder of scores of religious communities – the most prominent figure in the 6th century Welsh Age of Saints. And the only native-born patron saint of the countries of Britain and Ireland.
St David died on 1 March – St David’s Day – in 589; canonised by Pope Callixtus in the 12th century.
St David died on 1 March – St David’s Day – in 589 and the Welsh have celebrated St David’s Day ever since. He was buried at the site of St Davids Cathedral, where his shrine was a popular place of pilgrimage throughout the Middle Ages.
Allegedly, his last words to his followers came from a sermon he gave on the previous Sunday. He apparently said, ‘Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you
have heard and seen me do.’.
The phrase ‘Gwnewch y pethau bychain mewn bywyd’ is still widely used in Wales; it means ‘Do the little things in life’.
We think the patron saint of Wales would appreciate a cheeky cocktail. After all, it is one of the little things in life that always guarantees to put a smile on our faces!
A St David’s Day Cocktail – Red Number 10
There’s one thing as synonymous with Wales as St David – Welsh rugby! And in Wales, the number 10 jersey is a thing of legend. That said, we think a champagne cocktail that celebrates this, is the perfect St David’s Day Cocktail.
According to the Oakden website, ‘The final pouring of the champagne should be done so that wisps of red lift and mingle (dancing like a Welsh No10) at the base of the glass rather than fully mix’.

Red Number 10 – St David’s Day Cocktail
- 1 tbsp strawberry puree
- Chilled Champagne or sparkling white wine to top up
- Strawberry to garnish (washed, leave some of the green leaves on)
Strawberry Puree
- Punnet of strawberries
- 60g (2oz) icing sugar (powdered sugar)
- 1 measure brandy
- 1 measure strawberry liqueur
- Make the strawberry puree: Place the strawberries and powdered sugar in a small blender with the brandy and strawberry liqueur, and purée until totally smooth, sieve the puree through a fine mesh to clear any pips (this can be done in advance and kept in the fridge) – thicken it with a little extra sugar if needed.
- Spoon some strawberry puree into a chilled champagne glass then add the champagne, to top it off. Do this slowly, poured down the edge of the glass, do not stir it or let it blend in fully.
- Serve garnished with a whole strawberry (with a few of the little green leaves left on standing proud) cut with a slit at its tip and sat on the glass rim, not in the cocktail.
Main image courtesy of Cocktails with Class