Thats age old adage ‘sleep begets sleep’ can really ring true when it comes to tiny babies. ‘The more sleep they have, the more sleep they want’ definitely hold’s good with some children. But occasionally this isn’t always the case, and we might need a little bit of help getting our little ones off to the land of nod. We’ve put together some of our favourite baby sleep aids, to ensure your little ones get the zeds in, on cue!
According to the experts, the best way to get a baby to sleep is to provide a calm and tranquil environment. But if that’s not always the case! Or even possible in some instances.
But whether you’re at home or on the move, there are some amazing baby sleep aids available, you can use to get your baby off to sleep.
Movement To get Babies to Sleep
Movement is a great way of making babies drowsy – and whilst busy mums have too much to do to stand and rock a baby to sleep, there are loads of fab baby sleep aids on the market that will give you a helping hand.
BabyBjörn Bouncer Bliss
The Bouncer Bliss is one of BabyBjörn’s bestsellers – and it’s easy to see why! It creates a natural rocking motion, generated by your baby’s own movements, unlike a battery or electrically powered baby swing. It’s perfect for letting baby to play or rest close by you, in safety, while you get the chance to take a shower, unload the dishwasher or prepare dinner.
Its ergonomic design provides the optimal support to your baby’s back, neck and head, giving you peace of mind. The fitted fabric seat distributes your baby’s weight evenly, and the bouncer’s three different positions mean that you can adjust it as your baby grows.
It is lightweight and easy to fold up, too, which makes it super convenient and portable.

The Chicco Rhythm’n’Sound Baby Bouncer
The Chicco Rhythm’n’Sound Baby Bouncer is a great way of helping your little one relax and fall asleep.
It can rock from side-to-side to soothe your baby, as well as bouncing up and down and it even has a built-in speaker, so you can play nature sounds or lullabies to soothe them.

BabyBjörn Baby Carrier Mini
If you’ve got household chores to do and baby won’t settle, the BabyBjörn Carrier Mini is perfect for giving babies the comfort of being near to you, whilst giving you the freedom of movement.
Created especially for newborns, the Carrier Mini offers a flexible design that’s easy to adjust to the babywearer.
It means that babies (from newborn to around one year) can enjoy the closeness and movement of a parent, whilst you can crack on with your day!

Entertainment To Tire Them Out!
A great way to tire your baby out is to give them lots to do during their waking hours!
Aden + Anais’ Baby Activity Gym
Entertainment such as Aden + Anais’ Baby Activity Gym is a brilliant way of giving your little one enough to occupy them, so when it’s time for a nap, they’re worn out and ready for sleep.
With beautiful design, attention to detail and signature fabrics; this baby gym will look great in your home, whilst fuelling the imagination and stimulating the development of your child.
Perfect for newborns to 12 month old babies, this baby friendly 100% cotton muslin baby gym is thoughtfully designed to keep your baby playing and learning as they meet key developmental milestones.

The Cosiest of Beds and Bedding
The sleep inducing powers of a comfy bed and soft bedding just can’t be underestimated! Here is a little round up of our favourites.
Chicco’s Baby Hug 4 in 1 Air
Chicco’s Baby Hug 4 in 1 Air can be used as a cosy crib for daytime naps.
But — not only that — it can also be used as a raised recliner, a highchair and a table chair!
This multi-functioning marvel has 4 swivelling wheels, which make it incredibly portable. And — best of all — it takes up just one squared meter of floorspace.
Perfect for baby’s daytime naps; you can wheel it to wherever you are, to keep an eye on your sleeping beauty.

Happiest Baby Sleapea Swaddle
Swaddling has been used by parents for centuries and we love this new, easy spin on traditional blankets.
‘Swaddling gives babies the snug embrace they love in the womb. By preventing startles and wild-hand nose-whacks, it will keep your baby happier and aid sleep.’
This award-winning baby swaddle — The Sleapea Swaddle by Happiest Baby — was created by Dr. Harvey Karp, America’s most celebrated paediatrician.
It’s been designed with baby safety—and parent sanity—in mind and claims to promote happier babies that will sleep better!
What parent wouldn’t want that?

Bedding From Bloomsbury Mill
Cosy bedding is always a winner — whatever your age — and babies and small children enjoy fresh, clean soft bedding just as much as us grown ups!
For babies (0-6 months and 6-18 months) we love the baby sleep bags from Bloomsbury Mill; you can buy the bags separately, in pink, blue or grey for just £13.99 each.
Or you can buy a gorgeous gift set which comes complete with a baby sleep bag, muslin swaddles, cellular baby blankets and their super versatile pram pegs.

For older babies and toddlers, their ‘Nap Mats‘ are a real favourite. The folding, all-in-one nap mats, include a pillow mat and blanket.
They’re available in four gorgeous prints and are the perfect way to create a snuggly cosy space — wherever you are.
We have a fab competition running at the moment, for five lucky winners to to bag a a Bloomsbury Mill Dinosaur World Nap Mat! Pop over and enter – good luck!

Whether you have a toddler or a newborn, this little round up will make sleep-time just that little bit easier.
Sweet dreams!