
Trends UK, the makers of the incredible Science Mad! collection, is looking for new families to join their Science Mad! Squad and enjoy all the perks that come with it.

This is something your mini scientist would no doubt love to take part of, and it’s so easy to register.

As a Science Mad! Squad member your family will receive lots of Science Mad! products to test out and review.

Your honest opinions, images and videos will be showcased on the Science Mad! Squad website, on UKMUMS.TV and on social media for other families to read, watch and enjoy!

How to register your interest

If this sounds like something you’d love to be involved with, you have up until the 11th September 2022 to register your interest.

You can do so by emailing Georgie@evolution-pr.co.uk for more information.

All that we’ll need at this stage is:

  • The name of your child/children
  • The age(s) of your child/children
  • Your name
  • And, in your child’s/children’s words, the reason(s) why they LOVE science

For more information, and the chance to win a bundle of toys from the Science Mad! range, head to the Science Mad! Squad website: www.sciencemadsquad.co.uk

For more Science Mad! fun, head back to the main takeover hub now.    

Main image credit: @CapturingFamilyMoments

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