On Tuesday we shared a special kids’ Easter treats competition, and today we’ve got another fabulous Easter giveaway, to ensure one of our readers has a cracking good Easter!
We’ve gathered together some of our very favourite Easter bunny themed items and created a cute bundle to give away to one lucky winner.

From the softest baby shoes, to cute jackets with bunny ears, this little bundle of bunny goodness will be sure to put a smile on everyone’s face.

Hop to it! Enter our Easter Bunny Bundle Giveaway Today!
To win all of the items shown here, in this bunny-tastic giveaway, simply answer the easy question below.
You can find the answer really easily – just ‘hop over’ and find out what colour is the chick in our kid’s Easter Treats feature and get your answer in before 4th April at 15:30.

It really is as easy as that!
This competition is also listed on Loquax, Competitions-Time and LikeWow.
Hop to it and good luck!!