
You have a chance of winning three amazing products from new pop-culture brand Lost Universe, all from the most beloved movie franchises and gaming brands.

These goodies are really fun for the whole the family, and guaranteed to put a smile on your little ones’ faces. The lucky winner can spend some quality time with loved ones and enjoy the Jurassic Park Danger! Board game for hours of entertainment, where you play against each other to either destroy the park or escape it.

The Harry Potter satchel bag, a new fashion accessory suitable for any wizard (or muggle) to look extra sharp when doing some shopping in Diagon Alley, is undoubtedly a most coveted accessory. And finally, for those die-hard Mario fans there’s a Super Mario Mushroom cookie jar to keep all your favourite treats fresh and safe from Browser. So don’t miss out on winning this amazing collection of prizes and enter today!

To enter, simply answer the question below before the closing date of Monday 24th August at 3pm. Good luck!

Can’t wait to see if you’ve won or not chosen as the lucky winner? Click here to browse Lost Universe.

This competition is also listed on Loquax and Competitions-Time.

Competition Closed

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