The UKMums.TV Team
UKMums.TV has lots of contributors who help to make our site fantastic. Below is further information about the main editorial team, we also run guest posts by mummy bloggers. If any content has been produced by another person, the article will be accredited to them.
Michele Bates
The UKMums.TV publisher aka the head honcho!
Claire Tharratt
Account Director
Ellie Bates
Account Manager
Sarah Davies
Junior Editor
Dr Amanda Gummer
Dr. Amanda Gummer has dedicated her life to working with children and families in a variety of settings since 1993 and currently runs FUNdamentals ( At Amanda will be talking about various topics related to child development and will also be on hand to give you advice about the little ones in your life. For more on Amanda, visit her dedicated page – Ask Amanda.
Travel Mum
“Whether she’s enjoying the English countryside, jet setting or trying to navigate an airport with kids and four suitcases in tow, Travel Mum knows her way around the globe and is on hand to help us all have stress-free travels.”
Gossip Mum
“With her ear to the ground and her eyes focused firmly on her Twitter-feed, she’s just dying to tell you about the latest celebrity gossip, rumours and all that juicy stuff you want to know.”
Stylish Mum
“Master of all things fashionable – Stylish Mum is on hand with the latest beauty and fashion tips, trends and tricks for helping us all look gorgeous, without spending a fortune and with only five minutes to spare!”
Food and Drink Mum
“Move over Michel Roux Jr, we’ve got our very own Masterchef who is on hand to bring you everything from low-cost and low-cal food ideas to mouth-watering recipes and meals in minutes.”