
Need a reset when it comes to your family finances? Know a family member who could improve their spending habits? Or do you just want to feel a bit flusher in 2021?

South Shore Productions are making a brand-new series for Channel 4 and they are looking for families to take part.

It can be easy to lose track of your spending. A couple of pounds here and there can start to really add up and, before you know it, your monthly income has gone with little to show for it!

Especially at this time of year, just after the Christmas holidays, a lot of families are really feeling the pinch. But this needn’t be you!

South Shore are looking for several families to take part in their money saving series for Channel 4.

Successful applicants will receive a financial overhaul from a top money saving specialist who will review your finances and spending habits and offer you some priceless advice that could leave you thousands of pounds richer at the end of the year!

This isn’t just a quick fix; this is an exercise that could drastically improve your family’s quality of life.

Simply email moneysaving@southshore.uk for more information!

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