
Kids young and old never tire of playing with bubbles! Popping them, blowing them… it’s all fun! The awe and wonder on a child’s face when they watch bubbles float and pop is priceless. These simple little things can bring so much joy to a child. It also makes us mums happy that bubbles are easy to find, and most of the time very inexpensive.

The Gazillion Bubbles range need no extras to bring hours of fun to outdoor play but we thought we’d inspire you even further to enjoy a bit of bubble joy! Here are 4 really easy games that you can play with the kids along with your Gazillion Bubbles Bubble machines and blasters.

  1. Bubble Pop– What’s the number one thing kids love to do with bubbles? Pop them! In this game it’s a race to see who can pop the most bubbles in a given amount of time. Fifteen to thirty seconds is usually plenty of time! For a little variety, have the children pop the bubbles without using their hands. This is a great game to play with the new Gazillion Bubble Rush!
  2. Bubble Blow– Who can blow the biggest bubble? Using a bubble wand from the 8oz Gazillion solution, see who can blow the biggest bubble without popping it. This takes a bit of practice, but most kids can master blowing a fairly large bubble that then floats through the air.
  3. Bubble Blast– With just one breath, see who can blow the most bubbles. If you get a good deep breath, you’ll be amazed just how many bubbles you can blow!
  4. Bubble Float– See how long you can float one bubble in the air before it pops. Have the kids attempt to keep a bubble floating in the air the longest by blowing gently underneath it.

If you want to give any of the above games a go you can shop the Gazillion Bubbles collection in Argos and Tesco today!

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