
Orange juice, apple juice, grapefruit juice, they are all lovely cold and straight from the fridge! But don’t you just love those juices that you get from a certain chain restaurant (that begins with a W), which hold promise of wellbeing, energy, and more?

Admittedly they are pricey, but they are packed full of fruit and veg and you just know they are doing you good.  Fortunately, countertop juicers such as the NutriBullet are on the up and, if you are lucky enough to have one, you can replicate your favourite fresh juice mix in the kitchen every day!

Here are a couple of our own recipes to try:

The Zing – 190 calories  

  • 1 apple, peeled, cored and halved.
  • 200ml (7fl oz) orange juice.
  • 1 tomato, cored.
  • 5cm (2in) piece of cucumber, roughly chopped.
  • 4 medium carrots, peeled and finely chopped.


Simply whizz it all up in a juicer or liquidiser et voila you’re set for the day.


The spicy green one –  93 calories per serving (serves 2)

  • 1 inch ginger peeled
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 2 large granny smiths apples
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 200ml of apple juice
  • I bunch of Curly Kale
  • I large lemon Peeled and Quartered


Make sure your Kale is thoroughly washed as it can hold a little sand. Roughly chop all the ingredients blend thoroughly.  This one is best drunk immediately!


These are just a couple of our favourite recipes but there are many more to try, or perhaps you have a favourite of your own. If you want to share, simply drop us a line by emailing editor@ukmums.tv

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