Ever wondered what to make with your leftover pumpkin? Our splendid team of UK mums have been on the lookout to try and test some spooktastic ideas for you to make with your leftover pumpkins.
Here are our favourites!
Recipes To Make With Your Leftover Pumpkin
These pumpkin recipes are pretty spectacular, and will make an amazing centerpiece for a grown up Halloween party!
Impress your guests with pumpkin and peanut curry, then finish off with a big stack of yummy pancakes.
Pumpkin Pancakes with Salted Pecan Butterscotch
Ok, so not all of our mumsy suggestions are going to be quite as fancy sounding as this Pumpkin Pancake recipe, so if you’re immediately thinking ‘yikes!’ don’t worry!
These are actually surprisingly easy to make and more importantly, scrumptiously scrumptious with an exciting savoury twist!
Courtesy of BBC Good Food, this pumpkin alternative to the traditional British pancake requires low preparation time and even better, low cooking time as an added bonus!
With an intricate blend of sweet and savoury, these pancakes are guaranteed to warm your little one’s tummies with the delicate balance of Autumnal flavours. Ideal for trialling a new Halloween tradition with young ones and making proper use of that pricy pumpkin.
For the full recipe, please click here.

What Can I Do with my Leftover Pumpkin?
Halloween can be a busy and exciting period for us mums and especially our little ones!
Pumpkin and Peanut Curry
After a busy evening of trick or treating, why not settle down with a nice bowl of Pumpkin and Peanut Curry, courtesy of Delicious. Magazine?
As with all of these interesting pumpkin ideas, this curry is simple and easy to make with little prep time. This silkily smooth curry is guaranteed to leave you with a lasting rich and warm feeling on both your taste buds and in your tummy!
Who knows, this could be the perfect winter warmer for you and your family.
You can find the full recipe here.

Pumpkin Scones
Another great make, if you’re looking for what to make with your leftover pumpkin. Regardless of how you pronounce them (or if you think they’re a cake or biscuit), you simply can’t beat a good old scone.
So, why not give it a go with your leftover pumpkin? Tried and tested by our team, these interesting savoury alternatives to the classic British baked good are perfect for introducing your little one to the magnificent world of baking whilst having spooktastic Halloween fun for the whole family.
We tried these in our office last week and let’s just say… not a crumb was spared!
Here’s the full recipe courtesy of Delicious. Magazine.

Pumpkin Pie
As if we wouldn’t include the one that you were all waiting for, the traditional pumpkin pie! Don’t you just love a good pie? Courtesy of The Happy Foody, this splendid recipe could take you one step closer to crafting the perfect pumpkin pie.
Is it just us or is there just something about the Halloween season that so blatantly screams “Pie!”…It’s probably just us. Nevertheless, this fantastic recipe is sure to be a winner at the dinner table. Click here to get the full recipe.

Feeling adventurous?
Have a go and let us know whether you’ve made one of these creations! Get in touch on Facebook and Twitter.
A very good article. Congratulations
Thank you! 🙂