This week, 6 lucky readers will each win 3 x packs of Efamol® Kids Omega 3 DHA Drops – a prize worth more than £40!Efamol® have made it as easy as ABC to give your little ones DHA.
Formulated with children in mind, Efamol® Kids Omega 3 DHA Drops are a simple and effective way to top up your child’s Omega 3 levels. Suitable for toddlers and children as they grow, a 1ml drop will help to support your child’s brain function and vision[1]. With no fishy taste, sugar free and a natural mild lemon flavour, they can be dropped straight into the mouth or easily hidden in food.
DHA helps to keep brains functioning at their healthy best and each 1ml drop contains 400mg of DHA, well over the minimum amount of 250mg needed to gain the beneficial effect.
Win 3 x packs of Efamol® Kids Omega 3 DHA Drops
Efamol® has 18 packs of Efamol® Kids Omega 3 DHA Drops to give away to 6 lucky UKMums.TV readers! But if you’d like to purchase some straight away, head to Efamol®’s website: https://www.efamol.com/products/efamol-omega-3-dha-drops
Please, note, food supplements are intended to supplement the diet and should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
For a chance to win, correctly answer the question below before the closing date of Monday 28th March 2022 at 3:30pm.
This competition is also listed on The Prize Finder, Loquax, Competitions-Time and LikeWow.
[1]DHA (Docosahaenoic Acid) contributes to normal brain function. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg of DHA.