
We’ve been kindly gifted with five copies of Dumbleby Forest to give away! Dumbleby Forest is an illustrated fairy tale, created to support a child coming to terms with the idea of letting go of their dummy.

Dumbleby Forest is an exciting, easy to read bedtime story written and illustrated to ease your child through the process of letting go of their dummy. With beautifully hand-drawn illustrations by Marcus Silversides and a magical storyline, Dumbleby Forest is a must-have book for any parent looking to help their child give up their dummy.

Take your child on a wondrous, magical and exciting journey with Dumbleby Jack. Dumbleby Jack tells of how your child’s cherished dummy is going to be kept safe forever with King and Queen Dumbleby and the Giggalots in Dumbleby Forest!

To enter, simply answer the question below and leave your details before the closing date of Monday 17th August 2020 at 3pm.

Can’t wait to see if you’ve won or not chosen as a lucky winner? Click here to buy your very own copy of Dumbleby Forest!

This competition is also listed on Loquax and Competitions-Time.

Competition Closed

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Trudi Keighley at 11:24 AM

This is just adorable & beautifully written xxx

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