
We could all do with drinking a little more water, and now it’s easier than ever to get your recommended two litres of water a day with our latest competition prize where you could win an Eden Springs SlimCool Home Water Cooler and three 11 litre bottles to help keep hydration levels high.

Ideal now the warmer weather is here, one lucky winner will soon have no excuses for not drinking enough water.

The experts in water solutions, Eden Springs specialise in office water coolers and have now launched a brand new water cooler for home use. In the kitchen or home office, wherever you choose to locate the new SlimCool it will add a touch of style to your room.

Eden Springs sources its water from two boreholes in the UK and reuses the water bottles around 50 times before recycling them.

To enter, simply answer the question below and leave your details before the closing date of Monday 10th August at 3pm.

Can’t wait to see if you’ve won or not chosen as the lucky winner? Click here to buy your very own SlimCool Water Cooler.

This competition is also listed on Loquax and Competitions-Time.

Competition Closed

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