
Know a little someone who dislikes Maths? Fear not as we’re giving you the chance to win 1 of 5 one year subscriptions to Funexpected Math!

Do you have children aged between 3 and 7 that struggle with Maths or even have anxiety towards the subject in general? The Funexpected Math app has been designed to curb this anxiety and get your children excited about learning maths.

Working with current cognitive studies on early maths education, Funexpected delivers a special form of playful learning experience. As a result, children become more engaged in the subject matter and feel excited when solving problems. The app creates fun educational games to conquer math anxiety while sparking a general curiosity of kids around the world.

Available for iOS, the full Funexpected Math app can unlock a range of mathematical problems around multiple subjects including; number sense, geometry, algorithms and logic. In addition, the app also receives regular updates with new games and challenges to solve, meaning your children will remain engaged and excited to learn.

To enter, simply answer the question below and leave your details before the closing date of Monday 20th July 2020 at 3pm.

In the meantime, why not download the free Funexpected Math App here.

This competition is also listed on Loquax and Competitions-Time.

Competition Closed

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