
[AD] Know a little Picasso in the making? Then you’re in luck as we’re giving you the chance to win some amazing Little Brian Paint Sticks goodies as part of this week’s takeover courtesy of Trends UK.

Paint Sticks work just like a glue stick or lip balm, where you simply take off the lid and twist the bottom to bring up the paint, so there’s no need for water (that always gets dirty!) or brushes (that you only have to clean afterwards!). Plus, they can be used on all kinds of surfaces like paper, card, canvas, wood and even glass!

Long gone are the days where you need to hang a washing line across the kitchen to help paintings dry as Paint Sticks are extremely versatile and dry within seconds. However, for those with advanced artistic ability, the Paint Sticks can also be used with water to produce wonderful ‘wash’ and blended effect artwork so they will take a little longer to dry.

Once little ones have used up all the paint, as an added bonus the barrel and lid of the Little Brian Paint Sticks are made from #5 polypropylene which is a recyclable plastic material!

Now we are giving you the chance to win 1 of 3 Little Brian Paint Sticks bundles which include:

Enter via Rafflecopter before the closing date of Sunday 27th September at midnight.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Can’t wait to see if you’ve won or not chosen as a lucky winner? You can shop the Paint Sticks range at Amazon.

Which new product are you most excited about? Let us know by commenting down below or over on social media using #LittleBrianPaintSticks.

Competition Closed

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