
#gifted When the Modius headset landed on our editor’s desk, we were mesmerised, and the questions began to flood in. Sure, we’ve all seen fitness trackers and apps that make you a bit more mindful of what you’re consuming and your calorie allowance, but we had never seen a gadget like this before.

Modius Health

For those of you who don’t know, the Modius headset uses neuroscience to make weight loss easier and more enjoyable by reducing your appetite and cravings, which we were instantly sceptical about.

The space-age looking headset claims to promote fat loss via vestibular stimulation. It does this by sending small amounts of electricity into your head via two pads placed on your mastoid bone behind your ear.

Founded in 2013 by Dr Jason McKeown, Neurovalens is a global health-tech company that creates non-invasive neurostimulation products used to solve some of the world’s greatest health challenges and is now changing the concept of weight loss worldwide with the Modius headset.

As an office dedicated to ‘Fat Friday’ and partial to the odd biscuit or two, the volunteers for wanting to try this futuristic device came in thick and fast. The Modius headset has received mixed reviews, but what did our tester and mum Claire think of the new fitness gadget?

The super sleek device comes with a very easy to use app that once our tester had downloaded, guided her through the whole set up of the headset with ease. From the app you can manage the pulse levels whilst wearing the headset and track your progress as the weeks go by.

Upon opening the Modius box Claire was delighted to see that it comes complete with everything you need to kick start your weight loss journey, including one headset, 150 pads, 100 wipes, a charging cable and a user guide.

Modius Health

To say her family were mildly amused at her donning the headset each evening, and references to looking like something out of Star Trek, she stuck to it hard and fast. Claire says: “Wearing the headset and attaching the pads in the right place is a bit of a faff and tricky to get it just right, but practice makes perfect as they say!”

The initial sensation was very strange and not one our tester liked very much.  It made her feel a little sea-sick so she stuck to quite a low level frequency for the first week, but says that  you do get used to it and after a while was able to up the frequency a little each day going forward.

Within the first few weeks of receiving the Modius headset,  our tester said that she had lost a couple of pounds but admits that she has been quite good with her food intake and is training for a sponsored walk, so it’s hard to tell what is making a difference, the headset or her own changes in lifestyle. Claire adds: “I must admit, I do feel less hungry and am not so likely to reach to the cupboard for a snack between meals.

“I will persevere and keep using it but am yet to see any dramatic changes. I don’t believe tech is the Holy Grail to losing weight and obviously we all know that an active lifestyle with diet and exercise is the healthiest option. That said, I think if this helps alongside these other changes then why not give it a go!”

£369 for a piece of tech that claims its ‘The Smarter Way to Lose Weight’ isn’t cheap. And with the average fitness tracker coming in at just over £100, it is a fair bit more. But if you are due a bonus, or are looking to lose weight for summer, the Modius is worth a try!

Click here to find out more about Modius and read other testimonials.

Disclaimer: Modius sent us the Modius headset to try out but all opinions here are our own. 

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