Posh Paws has taken over UKMums.TV so we are bringing you everything you need to know about its Pirata and Capitano plush toy collection! However, don’t just take our word for it! Read what top mummy bloggers thought here:
Mum Of A Premature Baby
“C and E received Capitano and Weboo, who is the quick-thinking powerhouse of the Pink Skull. Both my children adore soft toys and have an abundance of them to snuggle up with a night. Capitano and Weboo have slotted right in. Posh Paws International have done a fantastic job with these when it comes to detail. They are fantastic quality, very well made and they look like they have just stepped right out of the television.”
Read the full review here.

Mum Of A Premature Baby
Unconventional Kira
“Posh Paws have brought out some great plush toys from the show and Nila was lucky enough to receive both two of them to test out: Pirata and Capitano. She was so excited when we opened them up and kept saying ‘argh’, which was so cute! There are quite a few characters to collect from the series. The toys retail from £8.99 and are the perfect size at 7 inches to snuggle up to for nap time. They also come in a 10 inch size which retails at £14.99. I think they’d be perfect for Christmas gifts and the smaller ones a lovely surprise in your little ones stocking.”
Read the full review here.

Unconventional Kira
Don’t forget, still to come in the takeover – chances to win some of these great toys, get free downloads for your little ones and our guide to some swashbuckling days out and activities! Keep in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook so you don’t miss out.