There’s been a lot of chat in the UK Mums TV office over the last couple of weeks. As BBQ season is in full swing, we’ve been asking ourselves the question, what is the best beef burger recipe in the UK? Well – after a lot of trial and error (and a lot of barbecues) we think we’ve found the perfect recipe.
Devised by celebrity chef and restauranteur Mark Hix, these simple, succulent beef burgers can be prepped ahead and cooked at the hob or on the barbecue depending on the weather.

What is the Secret to a Good Burger?
So what’s the secret to a good burger? And we’re not talking about the high-street chain variety!
Homemade burgers give the advantage of knowing every ingredient. From the amount of added salt – to the quality of the beef. The secret to a good burger lies in a combination of factors that all contribute to the taste, texture, and overall deliciousness.

How Do You Make Burgers Taste Better at Home?
Start with fresh, good-quality ingredients.
Choose beef with a good meat-to-fat ratio, preferably around 80/20 (80% lean meat and 20% fat). Buy pre-minced (or mince at home, if you’re able to). This will give the most juicy, delicious burger.
Also, make sure that any salad you use is super fresh and the burger bun is same-day fresh.

The Best Beef Burger Recipe in the UK
So, here we go. Hold on to your hats folks! In our humble opinion, this is undoubtedly the best beef burger recipe for homemade burgers.
Succulent and juicy, they’re perfect on their own, with a simple salad on the side. Or served in a burger bun with cheese and bacon.
However you like yours, this burger is the best we’ve tried.

Gourmet Burger Recipe with Tracklements Sweet Mustard Ketchup
- a little olive oil
- 100g onions, chopped
- 600g minced beef
- 10g butter
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- 2 eggs
- 1½ tsp salt
- ½ tsp white ground pepper
- 1 dstspn white breadcrumbs
To Serve
- 4 crusty rolls
- good pouring of Tracklements Sweet Mustard Ketchup
- fries, salad or slaw
- To make the burgers: heat the olive oil in a pan and cook the onions on a medium heat until soft and transparent in colourll
- When cooked, place in a bowl along with all the ingredients and mix well
- Leave to rest in the fridge for 1 hour, then using your hands, shape into burgers and place onto a slightly oiled tray.
- Grill, fry or barbecue the beef burgers until cooked through.
- While the beef burgers are cooking, grill the crusty rolls until lightly toasted
- Assemble the burgers, adding a good pouring of Tracklements Sweet Mustard Ketchup to taste

So now you’ve got the best burger recipe – head over to read our round-up of the best BBQ tools and accessories.